Fire Safety, Smart Home

How can technology support carers with managing fire risk?

Supporting awareness events such as Carers Week and Young Carers Action Day, we look at how innovative technology could be used to help shoulder the responsibility for the millions of unpaid carers.

According to research, almost 1 in 4 carers said they frequently felt unable to cope with day to day caring due to the physical and emotional stresses of their unpaid role.

Awareness events, such as Carers Week (10-16th June), help to highlight the pressures and challenges carers and young carers face every day.

For many carers, having the right support and processes in place is vital to ensure the time they have available to look after someone is as efficient as possible. And advancements in technology have been instrumental in offering a “lifeline” for the millions of unpaid carers in the UK.

Harnessing the benefits of technology for carers

Technology, such as telecare equipment, has traditionally been used by many carers, with systems such as personal alarms or fall detectors supporting a more independent life for those being cared for.

These already familiar systems can be combined with new sensors that build on traditional smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to provide holistic support for an individual’s health, wellbeing and safety. With the right technology in place, carers can feel peace of mind for an individual’s safety and wellbeing.

Peace of mind with FireAngel Pro Connected

Young Carers Action Day

FireAngel’s range of Pro Connected smoke, heat and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms and user-friendly app, offers carers complete control and confidence when away from a loved one.

Featuring advanced sensing technology, including Thermoptek and Thermistek, Pro Connected alarms can be wirelessly interlinked, meaning when one sounds, they all sound. And with the addition of a gateway, carers can use the Pro Connected app for remote testing and silencing of alarms on the move, without having to reach a ceiling mounted test button.

This is ideal for tight time schedules, when tasks such as testing alarms can often be put to the bottom of carers’ long list of duties.

With unlimited property allocations, an alarm network can be set up and notifications received for the homes of elderly parents, vulnerable family members or neighbours. When setting up a gateway, each alarm can be named to correspond with the room to identify which alarm has been triggered to support a rapid response.

An internet connection is required for the app push notifications however if this connection is reduced, all alarms will remain active within the home, giving complete protection.

Proactive fire risk management

Young Carers Action Day

Also found within the Pro Connected app is FireAngel Predict®, a unique algorithm with patented application, that uses real-time data to assess the risk of a future fire event.

Predict® gives potential fire risk level for the homes listed – invaluable for those caring for vulnerable family members. This enables proactive management and allows a carer to seek external help to reduce a loved one’s fire risk such as a Safe and Well visit from a local Fire & Rescue Service.

Adopting new connected technology can also help prepare for the future. In less than five years, the Public Switched Telephone Network, which has connected analogue telecare systems for decades will be switched off and replaced by a digital IP network.

This means that analogue assisted living alarms may become less reliable with a higher rate of failed calls. Unlike analogue systems, digital technology is ‘always on’, allowing sensors to continue to connect and receive vital information.

Supporting young and unpaid carers across the UK

Young Carers Action Day

Find out more about FireAngel Pro Connected or discover the organisations supporting carers across the UK including Carers Trust, Carers UK and Age UK.