
Why is my FireAngel Pro Connected smoke alarm beeping?

If your FireAngel Pro Connected smoke or heat alarms have begun chirping or flashing amber, follow our advice to help understand what the cause could be.

If your 10-year Pro Connected smoke or heat alarm has been chirping, false alarming or if you are struggling to ‘learn-in’ and ‘unlearn’ alarms, follow this troubleshooting guide for assistance.

This guide applies to FireAngel ST-630, HT-630, WHT-630, WST-630, FP1720W2-R and FP2620W2-R alarms.

I am unable to unlearn or learn in my new Pro Connected alarms

FireAngel Pro Connected smoke alarm beeping

Follow guidance on how to unlearn/learn any Pro Connected alarms, ensuring the double press process is performed rapidly. Press the learn button once and ensure the red LED on your alarm is visible for 5 seconds before going off. Then follow guidance on the linking process to connect other alarms. Ensure the large test button is only pressed briefly whilst linking.

You can then check the learning/linking of alarms has been successful after each alarm is added, by briefly pressing any test button. All connected alarms should sound together once linked. If this does not happen after following the guidance, please contact our Customer Support team.

Why is my FireAngel alarm beeping?

FireAngel Pro Connected smoke alarm beeping

If your alarm is frequently chirping it could be for a number of reasons.

1. Incorrectly attached to baseplate

If correctly attached to the baseplate, your alarm should show a green LED, with a red LED flash every 30-45 seconds. If this is not the case, your alarm is not fitted correctly. We recommend detaching the alarm from the baseplate and reattaching to stop the beeping. If this does not help, try the following step.

2. Incorrect wireless connection

If your alarms are wirelessly connected, try ‘unlearning’ the alarms and refit. If the alarm is still chirping, remove the faulty alarm/s and seek a replacement, or contact FireAngel’s Customer Support team if your alarms are still in warranty.

Why does my FireAngel detector keep going into false alarm mode?

FireAngel Pro Connected smoke alarm beeping

If your Pro Connected smoke or heat detector is false alarming, first we recommend you clean and dust each alarm to stop a build-up of debris or insect webs from preventing the sensor to work correctly. You can follow steps in this guide here.

Once cleaned and refitted, if your alarm continues to sound and is wirelessly connected to other alarms in your home, ‘unlearn’ each alarm and refit. Wait for the alarm to sound again.

If your alarms are not wirelessly connected or the alarm continues to false sound after unlearning and refitting, remove the alarm which has a red LED flashing rapidly. If your alarms are hardwired linked, remove the suspected chirping alarm and wait to see if false alarm stops.

Seek a replacement for the removed alarm or contact FireAngel’s Customer Support team if your alarms are still in warranty.

Why is my FireAngel alarm flashing amber?

FireAngel Pro Connected smoke alarm beeping

If your smoke or heat alarm is flashing an amber LED, sometimes with a chirp, it may be due to your alarm being incorrectly attached to the baseplate. If correctly attached to the baseplate, your alarm should show a green LED flashing regularly, with a red LED flash every 45 seconds. If this is not the case, your alarm is not fitted correctly.

We recommend detaching the alarm from the baseplate and reattaching to stop the beeping. Test your alarm twice. If you hear a set of three beeps, your alarm is now correctly attached to baseplate and should no longer be flashing amber.

If the alarm did not sound or is still flashing amber and/or chirping, seek a replacement for the alarm or contact FireAngel’s Customer Support team if your alarms are still in warranty.

For further support or advice, visit our Knowledge Hub to access how to guides, downloads and blog articles or contact FireAngel’s Customer Support team.