Fire Safety

Social Housing Fire Safety Legislation And Guidance. Are You In The Know?

Fires present a major problem in the UK, with an average ‘174 fires in buildings every day’ (FDIS, 2016). Whilst private homeowners are personally responsible for the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms, in social housing this differs. Social housing providers have a ‘duty of care’ to provide adequate levels of fire safety for tenants.

Fire safety legislation and policy dictate the level of protection a social housing provider must provide. Some of the policies and factors that impact upon the specification of home fire safety systems in social housing are noted below:

With legislation and best codes of practice to navigate it can take a considerable amount of time to get up to speed with regulations and guidence for social housing fire safety. At FireAngel we’ve tried to save you some precious time by creating the Fire Safety in Social Housing eBook. Everything you need to know, in one compact eBook.

So, if you want to get a handle on fire safety in social housing without a headache and ensure that your housing stock meets current legislation and guidance on fire safety, then the FireAngel Fire Safety in Social Housing eBook is for you.

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You may also find the following useful:

– 5 ways to reduce costs in social housing with fire alarms

– Fire safety standards and regulations for existing social housing

– Carbon monoxide regulations in the UK

– Social housing toolkit