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Homeowner?ISO 14001 is the internationally recognised standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS). It provides a framework for organisations to design, implement, and continually improve their environmental performance. The framework encompasses various aspects, from resource usage and waste management to monitoring environmental performance and involving stakeholders in environmental commitments.
Gaining certification to this standard, represents FireAngel ‘s commitment not only to regulatory compliance but also to our ongoing environmental improvement.
In recent years we’ve seen a marked shift in our professional customers ‘ focus towards being able to demonstrate good practice in the Environmental, Social and Governance aspects of our operations, with an increased importance placed on third-party verification.
Achieving ISO 14001 accreditation with BSI gives our customers the assurance that we have a system that formally captures the environmental aspects of our operations and we have a framework in place to measure, and continually improve, our environmental performance.
Dovetailing with the accredited ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems of our Contract Electronic Manufacturers, gives our customers confidence that their immediate supply chain has control of the environmental aspects of their business, and is independently verified by external auditors.
We ‘re formally recognising all the good environmentally focused work that we ‘re already doing and have done for many years at FireAngel. But we now have a framework to measure and improve our environmental performance, building on long-held environmental commitments to incorporate eco-design principles into our products and packaging, alongside operational activities optimising energy use and waste separation and handling.
This is all done under a third-party audited Environmental Management System which demonstrates to our customers that we are independently verified as operating in an environmentally conscious manner.
At FireAngel, we recognise the importance of maintaining the highest attainable levels of environmental performance, in conjunction with consideration to health, safety, social and ethical responsibility.
Our Environmental Policy includes a commitment to continual improvement of our environmental performance and impact. Core to our Policy is our mission to ‘protect and save lives by making innovative home safety products which are simple and accessible ‘.
FireAngel ‘s Environmental Policy is as follows:
This Policy will be regularly reviewed as part of FireAngel ‘s internal ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) committee to ensure it continues to be appropriate.
This is a fantastic achievement for FireAngel, but it ‘s only the start of our Environmental Management System journey. I’ll be working hard to raise awareness within the business with support from colleagues to champion and implement environmental improvement initiatives to achieve a more sustainable future.
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