Solutions for Social Housing Landlords
To keep up with fire and carbon monoxide regulations, we have dedicated support to help social housing landlords find the best solution for their portfolio.
Are you a
Homeowner?To keep up with fire and carbon monoxide regulations, we have dedicated support to help social housing landlords find the best solution for their portfolio.
FireAngel devices can complement a long‑term digital transformation strategy to futureproof properties against continuing legislative and societal changes.
For example, FireAngel’s FA3328‑EUT: Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Carbon Monoxide Alarm records property environmental insight, such as temperature and humidity levels – the two principle indicators for damp and mould.
Using the free FireAngel Installer app, Sync-It™ (NFC technology) provides quick, quiet and contactless data extraction by holding a mobile phone over a FA3328 device to transfer and securely store logged property temperature and humidity recordings. Data can be viewed within the app, shared via email or downloaded as a PDF report for further action.
We are experts in what we do. The Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023, dramatically reformed the housing sector to protect tenants’ lives and compel landlords to address problems rapidly.
We’ve summed up the latest in regulations for Social Housing to help with the new changes.
Want to discuss how FireAngel can help you? Fill in a short form and book a call to speak to our dedicated social housing support team.